What about the machines, are they safe? Who tests them and are there any regulations you follow?
Yes and absolutely yes. We use state of the art laser and IPL treatment machines and work with our manufacturers and site physicist to best design our systems to suit our clients. In Queensland, laser safety is regulated by the Radiation Safety Act 1999 and the Queensland Radiation Protection and Licencing Unit issues licences to adequately qualified staff and premise compliant machines. Unfortunately IPL machines are not regulated in Queensland and pose a particular type of danger in the hands of an unqualified user.
At Lawton Laser Clinic, we have our own qualified health and safety officer and medical physicist to optimise treatment plans based on health and safety standards and machine specific needs. All staff undergo a rigid training and safety program, both internal and external and only competent and trained staff are allowed to treat in addition to holding a valid use licence.
Just remember, IPL/Laser machines are not hazardous if used by an appropriately trained and skilled staff. Treatment machines require meticulous quality assurance and regular maintenance. Despite several strict regulations enforced by Radiation Health, some users still operate without appropriate licencing or understanding of the pure physics and radiobiology of light for cosmetic use. This can be extremely dangerous and cause long lasting scars/ burns or even worse. Never hesitate to ask for a premise licence or a training certificate/use licence from the staff treating you. This could be the difference between having an effective hair removal/skin care treatment versus a very wrong one.
Have more questions just email admin@lawntonlaserclinic.com or call 07 30921378 and ask for our skin care consultant. Our team are more than happy to answer any questions related to your hair removal and skin care goals.
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